Our company
M. van Veen BV is an innovative, independent and dynamic company with over 50 years of experience. Specialised in the field if young plant production for the professional market. Thanks for a close cooperation with various international breeder we are able to offer you as our client the latest varieties and species. Our company is also very active in breeding and selection of Euphorbia Millii varieties. We are offering a wide range of colours and varieties. These varieties are developed with various production conditions in mind. the lines are suitable for production use as a houseplant or as a patio plant. This product can be used for a lot of various means.
The Ficus is an important part of our production and we are able to offer you a wide range of varieties and product specifications. Due to the constant search for new, innovative and improved varieties we continuously add products to our range. Expanding and optimizing our product range for all involved. Our specialised export department enables us to ship our products all over the planet using the best means of transportation. We use not only transport by road but also by air or sea.
With the means of this website we try to give a complete picture as possible of our range and products. It always possible that you are looking for a product which we do not list. Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our utmost to help you. Our team of trained professionals are ready to assist you with your questions and orders.
Albert van Veen (NL)
Phone +31 (0)297 32 65 16
Mobile: +31 (0)6 51281928
E-mail: sales@mvanveenbv.com
Huizenga PlantGoed
Renze Huizenga (NL)
Mobile: +31 (0)6 10977800
E-mail: renze@huizengaplantgoed.nl
Tel. +31 (0)297 32 65 16
E-mail: sales@mvanveenbv.com
Albert van Veen (NL)
Phone +31 (0)297 32 65 16
Mobile: +31 (0)6 51281928
E-mail: sales@mvanveenbv.com
Nord Deutschland & Ruhrgebiet
Phone +31 (0)297 32 65 16
E-mail: renze@huizengaplantgoed.nl
Tim & Orla Ahern
Sherins Cross, Kilmallock
Co. LimerickTel. +353 (063) 98 988
Mobile: +353 (0)86 10 02 187
E-mail: acornplants@gmail.com
Albert van Veen (NL)
Phone (0)297 – 332 65 16
Mobile: +31 (0)6 51281928
E-mail: sales@mvanveenbv.com